Although citrus trees are among the most common tree planted in most backyards in Australian, but they are not just another backyard tree. They have lots of advantages and they are quite challenging to grow. The tree provides certain challenges for the gardeners because they are one of the trees that can easily suffer from different diseases as well as pests. That is why, it is important for the home gardeners to know the signs of the coming diseases and pests. The gardeners should also know how to treat these problems so that the tree can grow healthy and thriving with great fruit crops.

Citrus tree is a lemon tree and when you see such tree loosing so many of its leaves and the wood looks like it is dying, then the gardener should know that it is sick. Immediately, he or she needs to prune the dead wood. This way, he will be able to encourage the growth of new leaves. This problem is usually cause by the lack of water that is received by the citrus tree and this is how they show it to him. Citrus trees need lots of water to survive and even more to be able to thrive. They love to get the 3 to 4 cm of rainwater in Adelaide every week.
To make sure that they will be receiving the same amount of water, the gardener can use a cup experiment. Simply put the cup on the ground and then spray the garden sprinkle on it to see how long it will take to get the amount needed and then apply the same timing to the citrus tree. Moreover, this should be done from spring to autumn. But if the gardener is growing the tree outside of Australia, then just use the common knowledge as well as common sense. Touch the leaves with bare hands and feel how they are. If the leaves are ry and leathery, then it means that they need more water.

When dryness is a serious matter, there are other symptoms that are even more serious such as the hole found in the tree. This hole is usually caused by a borer. A borer is the bullies in the garden world. It has the ability to attack the plants that are the weakest and under stress. It also avoids attacking the stronger ones, so the hole may not be spreading to the other trees. If a gardener spots a new hole, then simply cut a piece of wire and then jam the wire down the hole. This should be able to skewer the troublemaker.