There are 59 SodaStream flavors and many people would find this total number to be too much to taste one by one. So they do not have to. They only need to try the most popular ones as these popular tastes resemble the taste that most people like and this means that these are the taste worth trying. Do not waste your time trying on those out of the box taste that will only make your hair stand up. It comes as no surprise that cola is at the top of the list. Cola is followed by its variance. A little warning though, these SodaStream syrup is like an assurance that the soda drinks, no matter if they are canned or bottled, are full of unhealthy sugar.
The cola flavor is so rich and full in flavor. It is also both caramel laced and sweet. It does not really taste as citric and tart as the Coca Cola brand, however it also does not taste like Pepsi. It has its certain taste that does not seem to replicate either of the biggest cola brands. If you do not really a brand minded cola drinker, then you may enjoy the taste of the cola flavor. The best description for this cola would be the friendly cola. The cost for 500ml of this SodaStream Flavor is around $ 5.
The next taste of of the SodaStream cola series is the naturally sweetened cola This soda taste a little bit crisper than the cola syrup flavor. Many people seem to like this even better than the first one. The color is also different as this one is brighter than the first one and thus it makes people think of the color of Coca Cola. But in term of taste, this one can definitely take the Pepsi fan by delight surprise too. So if you are looking for the syrup to make cola at home without any difficulties, this should be the one to buy. This recommended naturally sweetened cola cost around $ 10 for 750 ml, a bit more expensive than the first cola but it is worth the money.
Like in the real cola world, the SodaStream also has the diet cola variance. This diet cola is the diet version of the regular taste cola instead of the naturally sweet cola. It has the right amount of sweetness for a diet cola. However, it may taste better if it has more of the citrusy crispness like the real Diet Coke. The cost of the SodaStream syrup is around $ 4.5 for 500 ml.