When people say that bigger is better, you may about to prove that it is absolutely wrong. You can prove it yourself or you can simply ask the people who went to the nurseries and get themselves a nice dwarf tree. A dwarf tree may be small, but it bears the same size of fruits as the big trees. Moreover, many people nowadays cannot afford to have a big yard, therefore they cannot really have the space for the huge tree and its wide roots. Even the small yards are usually so small that the trees and plants have to be very close to each other and fight over the right to get the sunshine that they need.
The most common mistakes that those homeowners with small gardens are experiencing are the fact that they plant too many trees and plants in such a small space without leaving enough space for each of them to grow. Moreover, they are also often plant the trees that are way too big for their yard and will make their yard appear not well maintained as well as smaller than it actually is. So before you want to build your garden, no matter how small, you need to learn on the plant species that are right for your condition so that you will not make the mistakes of choosing the wrong plants and end up with the garden that you do not like.
Other advantages of the dwarf tree include the easy care and easy harvesting. With the dwarf tree that is smaller, pruning and other care would be so much easier. Similarly, so does the harvesting process. It is simply easier to reach all parts of the dwarf tree. Of course the dwarf tree also has its own disadvantages. Although the dwarf tree is easier to care, but it does need more types of maintenance compared to the regular size tree. Moreover, the tree also requires more private attention and irrigation.

Moreover, the tree needs to be staked as the branches and main stems are often not strong enough to support the relatively abundant fruits that are of the regular size. In addition, as they are more difficult to propagate, then they may be causing the owners to spend more money than the other types of tree. After being studied, some of the dwarf tree varieties tend to have a shorter lifespan than the regular size tree. This means that you will need to spend even more money in order to replace the tree after some time.