The tropical plants are timeless, majestic and exceptionally beautiful. They make up most of the rainforest and it is the rainforest that save our world. If you are up to a challenge, you need to take your time off your daily work and walk through the rainforest. Once you are in the heart of the jungle, you will feel like you are inside of a dreamlike land. Like you are one of the characters of the Avatar, walking on the sacred forests that are so magical. This is an experience that you must have yourself as there are never enough words that can help to explain how it feels like.
The rainforests have decreased in number tremendously but once you are in of the primary rainforests, you will know how they have been around million of years before you are born that they have become so evolved into the complex yet incredible environment that house so many plants and animals. The rainforest is what the nature is really is. They also have so many renewable natural resources. They have become the savior of human and the modern human lifestyle. Without the rainforest, we do not know just how hot and suffocating our world is.

The rainforest have in store so many basic needs such as clothing, food supply, fuel, shelter, food spices, raw materials for industry and medicine. Everything is available in the forest, whether we realize it or not. However, the tropical rainforest have a very dynamic, intricate yet fragile system. Each of the plant or animal has a high level of interdependency that when one part is upset, the others can also take the damage and thus, the whole rainforest may be destroyed. And our intervention to the lives of the rainforest has never made everything better. Just look at the list of endangered animals and plants. Take a long look and you will realize that we are the cause of this.
The increasing population of human has lead to deforestation and most of the time, we do the mean deforestation because we do not bother to take a look on the destruction we caused and try to amend for it. Moreover, the industry has also been growing that the rainforest suffered so much. They are harvested for their woods and they are deforested to create factories. Although the realization of the rainforest benefits may be a little bit too late, but at least now there are so much pressure from the whole world that the countries which are fortunate enough to have rainforest must be able to maintain and improve the remaining rainforest.