The plum and pear trees are known as the nectarine tree. The two of the nectarine as well as the peach trees are known to be notorious for overbearing. This also means that they are in the need of thinning more than the other types of trees. The thinning is necessary so that these trees would not be damaged. The damage is usually caused by the fruits. These fruits can be quite heavy when they are fully mature and the three trees simply cannot bear all the weight of the abundant fruits.
If you let them bear all the weight of these fruits, at the end, there may be limbs breaking or bark tearing. That is why it is necessary to be able to break up any clusters of fruits, especially those with so many fruits in one group. The possibility of fruit twins also need to be reduced greatly so that there will be at least six inches of space between each fruit still hanging on the tree.

There are two types of pear trees, the first is the Asian Pears and the second is the European pears. They do not require trim as much as the other trees, however if you do not thin the trees, then the small and unripe pear fruits would fall and these fruits would not be able to be used. Another problem that may be caused by the lack of thinning is the tendency to bear biennially. So, to improve the problem, simply remove the small and injured fruits as soon as you see them. You may also be required to break up the clusters of fruit so that there would be no more than two fruits in each of the clusters so that all of them will mature at the right size. The best distance is 4 to 6 inches between each fruit.
As for the plum and also the peach trees, both of them are the most overbearing fruit trees. These trees may have so many clusters along each of the branch. Thus, both of these trees require more thinning than the pear trees. If you let all of these fruits to grow, then you may end up with small size fruits as they do not have the ability to mature to their full size with so many other fruits to share nutrients and space with them. Thinning would be the perfect solution for better quality fruits. Leave room about 4 to 6 inches for the remaining fruits so that they have room to grow.