The Peyote Cactus is the small sized cactus. It does not have any spines. The Peyote Cactus is often used for the hallucinogen mescaline ingredients. This cactus has been used for many purposes by the natives living in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Among the purposes are the traditional religious rites. Peyote can produce mescaline, but the substance can also be synthetically produced.
Peyote cactus is not the only cactus with the content of hallucinogen. However, this cactus is one of the most commonly used as it contains larger quantities of hallucinogenic properties known as mescaline with almost six percent out of the total plant weight. The mescaline itself is known to be one of the strongest hallucinogenic substances. Other cacti that also contains mescaline are the San Pedro Cactus or the Trichocereus pachanoi which comes from the area around Andes, Donana or also known as the Coryphantha macromeris which comes from northern Mexico and in addition, there are also three other cacti of South American origin.

It is the button or the crown of peyote that can be used for psychedelic purpose. To produce the mescaline, the crown should be cut from the stem of the cactus and the dried under the sun until it is reduced to a hard brown disc. Some people refer this hard disc as the mescal button. The disc contains a methoxylated amphetamine. Usually, to get the hallucinogenic effect, a person must consume about six to seven dried mescal buttons.
Many people in the United Kingdom also use the cactus, however these cacti are not easy to get in that country. They need to be ordered and bought online to be mailed to the buyer’s address, or a buyer can also buy the cactus in the head shops or the cacti specialist shops. But of course the price can be quite expensive, much more expensive than in the United States of Mexico. However, people would still buy the cactus as this cactus is said to provide a different experience that can only come from pure mescaline. The experience is not only more complex but also more intense.
The pure mescaline of peyote almost has the same effect as LSD. The difference is that the cactus has more physical and longer lasting effect. The users should stop consuming the buttons when they vomit. The vomit is the sign that the user will enter the dreamlike state. In this state, the users see that scale and sound distort and they start see things. This hallucination may last to about 12 hours. During these times, the users would be in a state of a deep trance. They would no longer be attached to the world around them, but instead they are living in the trance.