Before you decide on which of the agave plant to grow, you need to know at least some of the most popular ones. Here they are:
Agave “Blue Glow”
The Blue Glow earns the nickname because it has a distinct blue cast at the smooth spineless foliage. In some areas , it is called the Blue Flame. The leaves can grow to as long as 2.5 feet. This plant loves the sun and a little shade. It also like the low desert.
Agave Vilmoriniana
The plant has pale green rosettes. It can be as large as 6 feet wide. They leaves look like the octopes tentacles as they are long and fleshy. That is why it is also called the cotopus agave. However, this plant only has one terminal spine.
Agave FiliferaThis is the smallest among the previous plants that belong in the agave family. But still, it is not that small. When fully grown, it may reach 2 feet in width. It is green and it has fuzzy white filaments as well as white margins. The plant is great to be planted in pots or other containers. But they are equally great to be planted directly in the garden.
Agave GeminifloraThe Agave Geminiflora is around 2 to 3 feet in width. It has dense rosette with curly white filaments and green leaves. It likes to live in the containers better than in directly in the garden. It has the ability to provide ligth shade which is still very useful considering it is living in the hottest desert areas.
Agave MontanaThe Agave Montana is one of the plants that are known for its ability to live in some of the coldest area on earth. Imagine that it can even grow in the wild, in the elevation of 9000 feet. This plant looks like artichoke but the big size version of artichoke. They can be fairly large as their fully grown size is 4 feet high and the width would be 5 feet.
Agave PotatorumThe Agave Potatorum is among the smallest agave. It is only 2 feet in diameter. However, they are one of the most beautiful agave. If you are looking for the smaller agave for your small garden, then this would be the perfect one for you. It has grayish blue leaves and they have a little red at the tip of the spine.