The exotic plants are so exciting to plant. They come from areas that are so exotic and full of misteries, like the countries of Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philipines, India and Nepal. Imagine bringing those plants to your home would be like taking a piece of mystery to your home. However, not all of the exotic trees can live in different climate, a much colder one. That is why we provide you with a list that you can choose from:

1. Campbelliii
This tree is from the Himalayas. This means that they come from the high land of 3000 meters altitude where the ground is white with snow. The size of the seed is the same size of the medium size mapple. This stunning plant has palmate leaves. The color of the leave is the color of deep copper colour while the stalks are of the scarlet red color. Not only that, they also have the stripped bark that are of good snake bark pattern when they are mature but glaucious and purplish when they are young. The plant will thrive if you give them shelter from the cold wind or simply place them under the sun or in the light shade.

2. Fatsia polycarpa
The seed of the shrub is cultivated by Crug Farm but they get the seed of this plant from Taiwan back in the 1996. If you need to create shady sites, then this would be the perfect exotic plant for you. It is not the same with the false castor oil plant nemd F. japonica from Japan that are popular. The Japanese plant has more rounded leaves and they are more deeply cut lobes. The flowers are produced in the last months of the year and they are of gingery cream.

3. Illicium Simonsii
This shrub come from Szechuan, China. It has the ability to live in a cold area or in the elevation of 3000 meter. The shrub is evergreen and the perfect description for it is that it is tidy yet it grows all year round. The plant will become an attractive pyramid that consist of eliptical leaves. The leaves are highly aromatic that you can tell that you find one from half a meter away from the smell. They produce starry flowers with the color of pae yellow. The flowers are produced in spring and they are equally aromatic as the leaves. They will be perfect for an aromatic garden.