To prune or not to prune? It is actually up to you. Pruning tomatoes will add to the task of gardening and therefore you will need to have the extra effort to do it. However, when you know the advantages of pruning tomatoes, then you will realize that there are times that you have to do it. Here is some f the best reasons why you should prune your tomatoes:
1. Pruning will help you to get tomato fruits that are more flavorful.
2. Pruning will result on the tomato fruits that are larger in size.
3. Pruning will help the plants to be able to yield fruits over the length of the season instead of stopping in the middle of it.
4. Pruning will help the tomato plants to be healthy as their leaves and fruits would be away from the ground, thus away from the insect damage, unwanted pests and also fungal diseases.
5. Pruning will keep the tomato plants compact and smaller, thus will not take so much unnecessary space in the garden.

What is actually pruning tomatoes? Well, actually this is the process needed to cut away the unneeded growth of the tomato plant. Not every part of the plant would be necessary and some growth will only distract the nutrient away from the main stem. Pruning is cutting the tips that are about to grow. When the nutrient will only go to one direction, there will be a great flavor in one area only and the tomatoes would be bigger on the stem.
The pruning process is the necessary process for the indeterminate tomatoes. The indeterminate tomatoes grow continually and they also bear fruits until it dies. That is why they need pruning. It will control their growth. When is the perfect time to prune the tomato plants? There are two times when they can be pruned. The first one is when they are still small and the second one is when they are large. The category of small tomato plants are when they are at the size of 12 to 18 inches tall.
The objectives of pruning are:
1. To create strong stems (should not be more than four)
2. Prune each of the stem at the same length so that they can be more manageable.
3. Pruning should keep the leaves from shading other leaves after all sunshine must shine directly to the leaves for the photosynthesis process to occur.