Not so many people know that the fruit bleared by nopaes cactus can be consumed. Although it is called the cactus pear or the prickly pear, this fruit is actually quite edible, although it is now only consumed in few countries of the world. One of the countries is Mexico. The prickly pear does not share the similar color to the regular pear. The color of prickly pear is neon pink. It is so bright that you cannot miss it. The taste of the flesh is delicious. It is like the mixture of watermelon and natural bubblegum. It is like one of those artificial drinks that you can find in the shops, but this is actually natural and fresher.
The prickly pear can also be processed into other food such as jam, candy, vinaigrettes for salads and even cocktails. There are actually endless drinks that can be produced from this neon pear. Some people use their creativity to make a glass of juice on the prickly pear and mix it with the cream cheese frosting for a lime cupcake. Other people boil the little pears with lemon juice and orange to make a fruit salad sauce.

Before you can use the flesh or juice of the prickly pear fruit, you first need to peel it off. The peeling can be a tricky thing to do if you do not know the perfect tips. These pears have almost similar eyes to the pineapples, but they are so much smaller in size. Here is the step by step on how to peel the cactus pear:
#Take off both ends of the cactus pear by slicing these two ends off.
#Discard the cactus pear ends.
#Create a long vertical slice from the top to the bottom of the cactus pear.
#Once sliced, insert your finger to the slice.
#Grab the skin and then hold it tightly
#Peel the thick skin by pulling the skin. Make sure that you take away all the fleshy skin that is wrapping the whole body of the fruit.
#Discard the prickly pear skin.
#You can now see the flesh of the pear. There are tons of little seeds that can be consumed in each of the fruit. As the seeds are as edible as the flesh, you can feel free to chop it and eat everything or you can chop and place them in the blender to get the juice.