The succulent plants may have different and sligthly odd looks. They take the goematric form that are so right and at a glace you may not realize that they are a living plant. Some succulent plants take the extreme look of stone and other as toothed like an alligator. In short, most of the succulent plants do not resemble the normal look and color of the regular plants.
Despite these oddities, every garden is incomplete without, at least, one succulent plant or maybe if you leave in the dessert area than you need the succulent garden. Imagine that when every other plant would not survive, they would. This includes during the coldest time of winter. Or maybe, if you happen to live in the dry area and you want a garden, you may need to build yourselves succulent gardens.

However, it may be quite difficult to tell which one will be suitable for the gardens as some of them may be so notoriously frickle and can also be prone to meltdowns as well as mummification. So to avoid the possible risk of failure, here are the few reccomended ones:
1. The Paddle Plant
This plant can take so much space as it can grow to 1 foot tall and 1 foot wide. Their ideal condition is bright shade. This plant is among the most favourite plants among the other modern succulent plant. The reasons for its popularity is the fact that it has a whimsical form and it has a different color during winter. In winters, it becomes more intense and more visible.
2. Tree Aeonium
This species is known to feature two of the most popular varieties in the recent succulent world. They have dark colors of deep bugundy to black and they also have the light version of light green and yellow. Their sizes can be from 6 to 24 inches in height and width. They need the full sun but they also need light shade at times. When they are fully gorwn, their trunk will be so thick and their branches will be the size of subshrubs.
3. Donkey’s Tail
This unique plant is called the Donkey’s Tail because it has leaves over the vinelike branches. If you show these to the children and surely they will mistake them with the donkey’s tao; and may even pinch on the leaves. Many people grow these plants in the hanging baskets and they would be perfect drainage.