The cholla cactus actually represent not less than 20 cacti species that belong to the Opuntia genus. They live in the North American deserts. Cholla is actually the term used to describe various shrubby cacti that belong to the Opuntia genus. These cacti have cylindrical stems and the stems are composed of segmented joints. The stems of the cholla cactus are the modified branch with different functions such as the flower production, photosynthesis and also the water storage.
Like the other type of cactus, the cholla cacti have tubercles. The tubercles are small and they are the wart like of the stems. The tubercles form sharp spines which actually is the modified leaves. Cholla cactus has its own uniqueness. They have the papery sheaths which cover the spines. The sheaths are of different color, depending on the variety of the cholla cacti. Most of the colors are bright and they are colorful. That is one of the reasons’ why cholla cactus becomes so distinctive in the appearance.

As mentioned earlier, the cholla cactus can be found in some of the hottest part of the hot desert in the American Southwest area. They have different species as they adapt themselves to elevation and also the temperature. Most of the species require well drained soil on the dry and rockly slopes. Although the cactus have different colors, but most of them have the same color of yellow greenish or orange flowers. Here are some of the types:
Major Cholla
This type of cholla is light green and this is among the most common cholla to be found in different areas on the Sonoran Desert. The spine sheaths are of different yet bright colors. This cholla is averagely 3 to 10 feet high. Their joints are both straggly and long. They are commonly found in the elevation of 500 – 4000 feet.
Cane Cholla
They are also known sa the Opuntia spinosior. They grow in the dessert floors and also in the mountain slopes. They have thick trunks with purple joints. They grow in the Chihuchuan Desert in the southern Arizona and also in the southwestern area os New Mexico. They can survive in the 2000 to 7000 feet elevation. Their grown up can be as tall as 8 feet tall. Their joints are thick, covered with grey spines and also tubercles.
Chain Fruit Cholla
This type is the largest chollas that can grow up to 15 feet high. This cactus is very spiny and is usually shrubby. However, sometimes they can be like tree.