When you see that thorny cactus, do you actually believe that they can have beautiful flowers? Some people would doubt it and say that those flowers are fake. It may seem impossible for the desert plant that does not look friendly at all to have cute flowers on top of their bodies. If you see from a picture, then you may think that it is just one of those Photoshop edited photo. However, it is true that some cacti have very beautiful flowers, just like the other flower plants.

Some cacti and other succulent plant have flowers glued on the for the selling purposes. That is the truth. But there are cacti with beautiful flowers that really exist. But for now, let us discuss about how to identify the fake cactus flowers so that you would not be disappointed when you mistakenly purchase a cactus with a fake flower attached to it. Sometimes it can be confusing to see which one is the real one and which is fake because sometimes, it is their real flower, however the flower is not growing from it but merely attached to it.

Another problem is that technically the cactus is inflorescence, however only for practical reasons. The flower cactus may come from few species of plants that are known as the species of Everlasting and Strawflowers. These species have their own uniqueness as when the flowers dried, they will be crisp and have straw like texture. This can last for so many months. These species have different colors of flowers, however they can close and open depending on the humidity or moisture although they have been dead for a long time.

Now you see the possible imposters, therefore you know better when you need to be careful and when you are not. When you are a novice on this matter, then the easiest solution would be to remember the names of the species. The names would be useful to help you remember how the flowers are. So you need to remember the names and try to touch the flowers. If you feel that those flowers are papery like or straw like, then it is not cactus flower as they belong to another species. Another thing that you ca see is the fact that one of these flowers may last for one week while the real cactus flowers will only last for one or two days at the most.