The purple cactus, no matter which one, is simply so beautiful. However, some of them are more useful than the others, such as the purple prickly pear. The prickly pear cactus in known because it is healthy for the human body and can help to reduce the symptoms of several diseases. All gardeners want to have beautiful and healthy cacti and to be able to do so, then they need to be avoided of the possible problems and illnesses. Some problems are caused by the wrong handling of the gardeners and to avoid these problems, there are some precautions that should be taken into account. Here are some of the steps that you can do in order to prevent the issues that will cost the health of the cactus:
1. Cactus should never be overwater and to avoid it, you need to make sure that the pots have well drained system and the substrate is loose.
2. Make sure that you know exactly all the information on what your species prefers to have and what they do not like.

3. When you need to repot the plants, then you need to always use the new substrate as it is clean. When you reuse the old substrate, you may expose the plants to the nastiest that cannot be seen with eyes.
4. If the environment of the plants is to be changed, then do not change it too quickly. The plants need to adjust, otherwise they will die. They the time so that the plants will have the time to adjust.
5. If you perform cutting or transplanting, or maybe the cactus is simply damaged, then let it dry first then give it time to reheal before you repot and pour water on it.
6. Just like the cactus does not like to be overwatered, it also does not enjoy over fertilizer. This is especially true for the slow growers. However, they do need the fertilizers to get the nutrients and thrive. Therefore, make sure that you give them low NPK with only half the strength once every 2 or 3 months.
7. If you have new plants, quarantine them. During which period, you can cheek the plants for any pests, When you are sure that it is healthy, and then you can transfer them with the other plants of your collection.
8. Try to kill the insects that are trying to enter the grow area because they will only bring even worse pests.