coral cactus gained the nickname because it looks so similar to the ocean coral. That is the fact that many people seem to know as it is a visible fact, however what many people do not know is that the Coral Cactus is actually a combination of two plants that have grafted into one plant. Although it is known by the name coral cactus, but the plant is not actually a cactus at all. It is more of the merging plants that are created by ambitious amateur gardeners. The two plants are the Eurphorbia lactea crest ad the Euphorbia neriifolia root.
The visible part of the plant is the part that looks like coral. It is also known as the crest. The crest is also the result of the mutation that is quite rare in the Euphorbia lactea. The Euphorbia lactea is the favorite of holticulturists who are producing the Coral Cactus in big number for the purpose of selling. As for the entire plant, the stem is another type of Euphorbia and then it will be grafted with the crest so that the combination will look both sturdy at the base and unique at the top.

Caring this combination of plant known as the Coral Cactus is not difficult as the plant is low on maintenance. It is so easy to care for as long as you do not over water the plant. Here are the things you need to know in order to care for the cactus:
- Although the plant is not really a cactus, but it should be treated similarly in term of temperature. The Coral Cactus loves the average indoor temperature. It can also grow at the outdoor temperature all year round, but it prefers the growing zone of 10 and 11 as well as the warmer months of the temperate zones.
- The Coral Cactus loves the partial to full light. If you are moving the cactus from indoor area to outdoor area, then you need make sure that the cactus will receive the gradual sunlight. Give it time to get used to the sunlight so that it will not burn.
- Make sure that the coral cactus has the time to dry after each watering. If it is dry, then you can water it again. You can use the moister meter of a wooden skewer to know the level of the moisture in the soil.