The minecraft cactus is not like any ordinary cactus. It is indeed a block that is spawning in the Desertbiomes naturally. The cactus is not rare, however it may be hard to find it to grow in the Clay which can be found outside of the water body. The minecraft may be dangerous for any entity and also the player. Once the entity or player comes in contact with the cactus, he or it will lose half of his or its heart.
The cactus is not flammable. It will not catch fire when it is in contact with fire or lava. The cactus can also be placed in the sand as long as the space next to the cactus is free and has no block. Similarly to the regular cactus, the minecraft cactus may grow without water or at least with little water. Even so, they can be placed near the water source.
The minecraft cactus can be grown. There are two methods of farming that can be applied to the cactus, the manual farming and also the automatic farming. The automatic farms may involve the pistons as well as the restore. These two items are needed to push the blocks away from the farming area. As mentioned earlier, the cactus cannot grow when there is a block right next to it.

The other method or the manual one requires the placement of blocks above and beside the single cactus. This way, when the cactus wants to grow, the block will then be destroyed as it may not be able live side by side with another block. Or, you can also place water around the cactus as well as under it so that you may catch items.
The minecraft cactus has special uses. It may be able to destroy any items that it touches. It can also used to destroy the harvested cactus block. When a player dies because it touches the cactus, then most of their dropped items would be destroyed as well. This is why many players like to use the minecraft cactus as traps in order to hurt or kill the other players, however if farming the cactus for the purpose of farming the resources, it would not be the efficient way. Another use of the cactus is by cooking it in the furnace or making them into green dye. The cactus can also be used to protect the player’s house from the unwanted attack of monsters.